Grab Your Easy Button: It’s Time to Simplify!

Do you enjoy saving money? Do you value your time? Do you love amazing experiences? Me too!

The tech industry grows very fast and has technical language. It’s challenging to relate this jargon to everyday workplaces. How do I use it?? How will it benefit us? Specifically? It’s difficult to make important decisions with something that seems foreign.

Good News! This will be the best article of your week!

Innovations in tech lead to better experiences, less spending, more value, and simplified solutions. I have an example, something we are all familiar with – TV and movies. A mere 20 years ago things were very different than today.

The big bubble TV, never cheap at any size! We have separate devices- VCR, DVD player, music player, VHS tapes, DVDs and CDs. Let’s not forget the cable box and DVR! Not pictured, there’s a remote for each device (probably in some handy remote organizer)! Remotes are unlabeled of course. You’ll have to pick up each and point it at something. Hopefully no one has carried off a remote.

What are your viewing options? Cable gives you have access to shows peppered with long commercials. Shows they decide to play, when they decide to play them. Unless you DVR it of course, with time and skill. Want to watch a movie? Buy or rent. Buy? $19.99 or more. Rent? Drive to Blockbuster. If you live in Minnesota this was extra fun in January. I haven’t begun to mention music – buy a CD, download a single song (also a separate player) or listen to the radio.

I hope I’ve painted a picture. Now, if you had told me back then that one day not too far in the future this would evolve to the following:

A 60″ flat screen TV will cost less than a week’s worth of groceries. With it alone I will be able to watch any TV show, any season, any episode, at any time, without a commercial. I’ll be able to pause it and return at my leisure. I will have access to all movies, music and TV shows at once with one monthly subscription.

I would have been amazed! I would also have been thinking there must be a catch! This has to cost a fortune. If it isn’t in the price of the TV, the subscription must cost a fortune! Of course we know that’s not true. Netflix or Amazon Prime starts at less than $20 a month. Amazon Prime will also get you free shipping of goods too.

Vast amounts of time, space, energy, frustration, and money are saved by every person who uses media today.

Let’s take this to the office or workplace. How many systems does your organization use? To name a few:

  • Email and communication systems
  • HR systems
  • Accounting systems
  • Security systems
  • Phone systems
  • Time and attendance systems
  • Facilities management
  • Learning management
  • Inventory management
  • Donor & Volunteer management

How many steps do you have in your processes? Do you wrestle with issues related to multiple systems, users and steps in your processes? Problems such as:

  • Difficulty training users/learning curve issue
  • Increased IT support burden
  • People losing passwords – too many passwords
  • Redundant data entries
  • Compliance issues
  • Change management issues
  • User resistance

It doesn’t need to be so! At Bot Consulting we work with you toward goals of wise spending, streamlined processes & enhanced experiences!